
scrapped: Good Luck, Jeff

i've never been good with farewells.
so when the news hit me first, i wouldn't believe it.
then the man himself confirmed it, and i felt the crush in my heart.
call me emotional, call me dramatic.
 i'm just not good with farewells.


 i had a different idea for this gift.
then my Cameo mat reached the i-can't-stick-anymore mode, even with the washi tape.
what's worse, i stupidly misaligned the whole cutting area, and since i was out of time (even to troubleshoot), i had to find an alternative.
i found a 24"x8" canvas that i bought months back and quickly settled on that.

i cut some Fancy Pants Design papers to size but decided to use Simple Stories SNAP! cards instead.


and with the vellum paper as the writing mat,  it turned out great.

 **this photo was taken from his FB**

" Thanks For Looking "

so Jeff, if you're reading this, i just want you to know that you've been a great leader, a helpful mentor and an awesome sport.
thank you for everything that you've done for the department.
thank you for everything that you've taught me.
thank you for being you.
i wish you all the best in your next endeavours.
may you be blessed with Health, Wealth and Happiness always.


scrapped: Someone's 30!

another one joining in the ranks of the big THREE-OH.
oh, i'm absolutely delirious.


even though this post is very, very late.


the spots on the paper were supposed to be only paint splatters, but ugly handwriting things happened so i ended tearing the previously-pasted papers off.
the chevrons (with names) were printed using Krista Sahlin's digital fonts.

this is also the first time, i actually combined digital and traditional scrapbooking together.
this perfect combination will definitely be used again.
because i over-indulge excessively on those cute little things sometimes.
and my Cameo is such a darling too.

and i love stars!

" Thanks For Looking "